Academic Departments » Mathematics and Computer Science

Mathematics and Computer Science

Bishop Feehan has a four year mathematics requirement for graduation. Courses begin with Algebra I and continue through the study of Calculus.
Grade 9 students are placed in Algebra I or Algebra II, based on performance on the Algebra Placement Exam. All Grade 9 placements are reviewed at the middle of the first marking period by individual teachers, in consultation with the Department Chairperson.
Students who want to take Calculus in their senior year, but who have entered Bishop Feehan in the Algebra I course are required to enroll in both Geometry and Algebra II in grade 10. A minimum average in Algebra I is required to "double-up." Students who chose this “doubling-up” option must delay their Social Studies program of study by one year.
Extracurricular Activities: The Bishop Feehan Math Team is one of 18 teams participating in the Southeastern Massachusetts Conference Mathematics League. The team has advanced to the play-off round each year for the last eight years.Math Team: The Bishop Feehan Math Team is one of 18 teams participating in the Southeastern Massachusetts Conference Mathematics League. The team has advanced to the play-off round each year for the last eight years.