Scholastic Writing Awards 2024

The Scholastic Writing Awards were founded in 1923 and, for more than a century, have inspired bold ideas in creative teens throughout the country. Each year, with the support of our English departments, many Bishop Feehan High School students are awarded for their exemplary work. In total, 38 Feehan students participated in the awards this year, submitting over 50 pieces. These ten pieces were chosen from amongst thousands of submissions.
Gold Key
Sean Callaghan '24 - "Embers of Reflection," personal essay
Silver Key
Samantha Cross '25 - "April Rain," poem
Fiona McCally '25 - "A Zebra's Uniqueness," personal essay
Grace Muliero '24 - "Three Names," personal essay
Honorable Mention
Analise Almeida '24 - "Angel on Earth," poem
Addison Brenizer '25 - "Final Goodbye," flash fiction
Greer Cournoyer '24 - "My Mother and I," personal essay
Mackenzie Feeney '24 - "Teddy Bear Love," personal essay
Regan Gill '24 - "The Loss of Innocence," poem
Julia Pratt '26 - "Donut Villa Diner," flash fiction
Sean Callaghan's piece will now move on to the national level for further consideration.  
Scholastic Writing Awards
Front Row: VP of Academics Charlotte Lourenco, Grace Muliero, Fiona McCally, Analise Almeida,  Samantha Cross, Principal Sean Kane
Back Row: English Teacher Meredith Bickford, Addison Brenizer, Mackenzie Feeney, Greer Courneyer, Sean Callaghan, Julia Pratt
Missing from photo: Regan Gill