Feehan Flash

This Week Bishop Feehan


12/13 Santa Shop!

12/16 The cafeteria food services will close at 1:50 today. Please plan accordingly.

12/16 Junior/Senior Night at LaSallette.  Sign up using the QR code on the posters around school and receive a free cup of hot cocoa!  One lucky senior will be selected to "Flip the Switch" and turn ALL the lights on at exactly 4:45 pm! Faculty and staff are invited as well.

12/18 Christmas Concert open to the public in the auditorium, 7:00 pm.

The Knights of St. Joseph, run through Campus Ministry, is for Feehan boys who want to grow in their faith and become better Catholic men. It’s a place to make friends, share your faith, listen to inspirational talks, and pray and support one another. There are quarterly retreats offered and ongoing ways to deepen your faith. Please join our Google Classroom Code: oz7ickk or reach out to Campus Ministry for more information. 

Sports:  Please go to https://www.goshamrocks.net/ for the most up-to-date information regarding games!

School pictures:
Any parent who did not receive a link for a school picture preview, or has lost the email, please reach out to Chestnut Hill Studios/Smile Pro at [email protected] or 508-779-7550.  

Parking Pass:
If you have requested a Parking Pass online, please give us 24 hours and then stop by the Welcome Center to pick up your parking pass.

My School Lunch Accounts:  Parent(s) of each new student should have received an email inviting them to set up an account. This is the preferred method for payment in the cafeteria.  This account uses the student ID barcode. Please note if a student presents an ID for payment without having opened an account, it will automatically sign that student up.  Debit cards and credit cards/Apple pay are also accepted.  

Lost & Found:  Please check the last classroom/room you were in, the windowsills and front corner of the lunchroom, the locker room lost and found buckets, on the stadium concession stand outside counter, and Welcome Center. Did your friend pick it up being nice?  Did you ask your teacher?  Please note items left outside are only kept until the end of the week, items brought to the Welcome Center are only kept 2 weeks.  Please claim your items quickly or they may be tossed or donated.

Don't throw that out! Gently used uniforms: 
We will gladly accept uniform pieces in good condition including ties! If items are stained, worn or torn, please recyle them as mandated in Massachusetts (as of November 2022 - the drop off bin in the parking lot of St. John the Evangelist School in Attleboro is a great spot, or your local bin.) If you are in need of some pieces (no charge), please come to the Welcome Center. We also have tights for purchase - $7, cash or check only.