Board of Trustees

Bishop Feehan High School is governed by a talented Board of Trustees with a passion for the mission of our school. The Board is responsible for setting and reviewing the strategic direction of the school and overseeing the fiduciary management of the School and its assets.

Trustees focus on policies and strategies that are future-focused, working in partnership with the President, who oversees daily operations. The board utilizes its committees to study and assess the needs, activities and performance of the school and to make recommendations when planning, developing and establishing policy.

Committee Chairs
Advancement & Enrollment
Viren D'Sa P'24
Jerry Flanagan '67
Katie Klements '00, P'28
Brian Loew '03
Owen Lynch '09
Nancy Serpa P'25
Staff Liaison
Jessica Symonds, CFRE P'28
Finance & Audit
Mike Collins '89
Margaret Dwyer P'21, '26
Jason Lightbody P'24
Andrew Lynch '05
Mark McAuley P'27
Sean McHale '91, P'23, '25
Staff Liaison
Lauren Cayer P'16
Governance & Board Development
Staff Liaison
Tim Sullivan '87, P'17, '18, '21, '24
Strategic Planning
Gary Campbell P'20, '21, '24
Michael Cassidy '96, P'25, '27
Dennis Dion '79, P'08, '10
Christine Gardosik P'27
Elissa O'Bryant P'27
Meg O'Neil P'10, '12, '15, '17
Alex Richardson '15
Jon Shaw P'25, '27
Christopher Swick '10
Staff Liaison
Michael Dibbert