Health Office

Welcome to the Health Office!
The office is open from 7:30AM-2:30PM and is staffed by a Registered Nurse who sees students on an “as needed” basis for day to day health concerns and injuries.
It is important to note that the nurse does not make medical diagnoses or prescribe medications. If you have a significant concern regarding your child’s health prior to the start of a school day, please call your primary care doctor.
The overall goal regarding student health is:
Each student will be in optimum physical and mental health so that he/she may attend classes and effectively participate in his/her own education.
To attain that objective, there are 6 basic interventions the nurse follows.
1. Be available for immediate emergencies… The nurse is CPR, AED, and First Aid certified
2. Be available for minor injuries, somatic and emotional complaints… The nurse does not engage in formal, scheduled counseling or prescribe medical treatment. However, she will provide nursing care (including emotional support and initial counseling of health related issues) within the practice guidelines of the nursing profession.
3. Identify and Refer students to other resources as necessary. The nurse will provide a skilled nursing assessment and when the assessment reveals needs beyond that which the nurse can offer in a school setting, appropriate referrals will be made.
4. Be a student advocate…Often the nurse is the individual a student comes to with issues outside of health. Under those circumstances she will work in union with the administration, guidance department, athletic department and our Campus Minister to provide the support necessary for your child to succeed at Bishop Feehan.
5. Be a resource to students, faculty, staff and parents …The nurse is available to provide answers to health care questions. Answers are provided in a factual, non-threatening manner. The nurse is also prepared to speak about health and wellness to students and adults.
6. Promote wellness…Student interactions are always observed as teaching moments. Educational materials in the form of pamphlets, articles and a monthly topical bulletin board are on hand. The nurse will also write relevant and timely essays or articles for the quarterly Spire.
To contact the nurse:
Theresa Javery, RN
508-226-6223 ext 117
Fax 508-222-2417

Medical Records & Permission to Medicate Form

Student Insurance Information

Bishop Feehan provides a supplemental insurance plan for all students at no cost. The policy is for school time accident coverage. The policy is designed to work as a supplement to the students existing policy. There are certain conditions, exclusions, and limitations that apply.

The policy provides coverage while in attendance at school during the hours and on the days that school is in session. Includes traveling directly and without interruption to or from the Insured's residence and the school for regular school session, for such travel time as is required, but not to exceed one hour after school is dismissed, or if additional travel time on the school bus is required, coverage here under shall extend for such additional travel time as might be necessary. Participation in or attending an activity exclusively organized, sponsored and solely supervised by the school and while under the supervision of school employees. Travel is limited to school supervised transportation.

An optional 24 hour accident coverage plan and/or an extended dental protection plan can be purchased directly through Lefebvre Insurance.

All information needed is available through the link below.

Concussion Information

Opioid Policy

FAQ's :
What if my child
becomes ill at school?
When a student comes to the office complaining of illness, the nurse will assess the student’s status and make a decision as to whether that student should be dismissed. The nurse will call the designated contact and relay her findings and recommendations. The ultimate decision for dismissal (unless medically necessary) will be left to the parent. Please enter the school’s number 508-226-6223 into your cell phone contact list.
What if my child calls me from their cell phone during school because they feel sick?
Students are not to call parents on their cell phones when feeling ill unless it is done from the nurse’s office. The nurse will never tell a student that they may not call a parent. IF your child calls you from a different location, please immediately direct them to the nurse’s office.
When should I keep my child home?
Any child that has a fever should be kept home. A fever is medically considered to be a temperature of 100.4 or greater, although some individuals feel the effects of a fever with a temperature that is lower than that. If you child has a fever (or febrile symptoms such as body aches and chills), please keep them home until they are fever free for 24 hours. Also a child should not come to school if they have been vomiting or had diarrhea, and should not return to school until 24 hours after that last episode of vomiting or diarrhea-even if they are feeling better.
What should I do if my child requires medication during school?
All attempts should be made to take medication outside of school hours. When that is not possible, a parental consent and doctor’s order is required. The medication should be brought to school in the “original pharmacy labeled container” with enough medication for school dosing.
What is the procedure for an Epi Pen for my child’s life-threatening allergy?
As with other medication, a physician’s order and parental consent is required EVERY YEAR. If you have indicated that your child suffers from a life-threatening allergy, it is your responsibility to oversee obtaining the medication and proper paperwork to be handed in on the first day of school.
My child uses an inhaler?
Can they keep that with them?
Yes, but a parent note must be on file for them to do so. AND so long as the child knows how and when to use it-AND knows what to do if the first dose does not give relief (go directly to the nurse).
My child has been injured and can’t wear a portion of the uniform. What do I do?
Injuries can be treated with casts…braces….dressings etc. On occasion these treatments may interfere with the uniform. But this is rare. If treatment interferes with the uniform, i.e. tights, pants or skirts, it is recommended that the student wear “baggy” sweat pants or gym shorts, not yoga pants. . If they are on crutches, please have your child wear supportive sneakers. At no time should a student wear “flip flops”. When wearing sweat pants, the remainder of the uniform, i.e. sweater, blouse, shirt and tie should still be worn. Any variations in the uniform for medical reasons requires a pass from the nurse.
I think my child might have a concussion. What should I do?
If you believe your child might have suffered a concussion (signs and symptoms are linked to this web site), take your child to your physician or emergency room to be evaluated. If they are diagnosed, we ask that your physician put into writing any specific orders as to activity AND ACADEMIC participation. When the physician clears your child to return to school, your child will be directed to check in with the nurse at least every 3 days while receiving academic support. Athletic participation will be at the discretion of the Athletic Trainer.
Why do I have to fill out a Health Information Form every year?
Over the summer things may change for your child. Perhaps they are on new medication, or were diagnosed with a new medical condition, allergy, or sustained an injury. It is important for the nurse to be aware of any changes in the child’s health.
Will health related information about my child be kept confidential?
The only time information about your child’s health is given out, is when their health concern may directly affect them in the classroom and may be a safety factor (i.e. a seizure disorder, life-threatening allergy, etc.). Otherwise, all information is kept confidential. Learning disabilities such as ADD/ADHD, are not necessarily a “health” concern, but definitely can affect classroom behavior and academic performance. Therefore it is highly recommended that the Guidance Counselor be aware of any learning disabilities.
How do I contact the nurse?
Phone: 508-226-6223ext 117
Fax: 508-226-7696