2025 Science Fair Winners

A big thank you to all the teachers, volunteers, family members, and everyone who helped support our students.
Science Fair Winners 2025
Back Row: Ben Davis, William Sheehan, Avi Amin, Matthew Symonds, Madeline Neary, Giavanna Buckley Front Row: Riya Kanury, Maeghan Serhal, Elizabeth Cosgrovve, Helena Cornwell, Olivia Abren, Elizabeth Castro

Not Pictured: Liana Caldera, Mackayla Creighton, Nicholas Franco, Isabel Lough, William Kennedy 

Congratulations to the winners of yesterday’s 21st annual Science Fair. 

Best of Fair: 

Benjamin Davis - From Crude to Extrude: A Novel Approach to Combining Pultrusion and Extrusion Technologies into a Single Filament Production System to Recycle PET Bottle Waste and 3D Printing Purge Materials into Additive Manufacturing Filament 

1st Place: 

Meaghan Serhal - Bringing Bacteria to Light: The Effects of a School Environment on Bacteria Growth 

Riya Kanury - AquaSonic: Ultrasonic Waves for Sustainable Water Purification 

2nd Place: 

Matthew Symonds - Bacteria on Circulated vs. Uncirculated USD Bills William Sheehan Crystal Clear; A Water Purification Comparison: Which Water Purification Method is the most Effective 

3rd Place: 

Giavanna Buckley - The Absorbency of Different Paper Towels Brands With Substances 

Avi Amin - Using Machine Learning to Identify Plant Diseases 

Honorable Mention: 

Nicholas Franco - The Shocking Effect of different liquids on Electrolysis Elizabeth Castro The Effect of Five Seconds 

Isabel Lough - Electrolytes in Sports Drinks 

Elizabeth Cosgrove - Rain Gardens: Are They Effective?

Madeline Neary - Five-Second Rule! 

Liana Caldera - Wired for Water 

Helena Cornwell - Fresh Face: Testing the Most Effective Bacteria-Killing Facial Cleanser 

William Kennedy - “Stick to the Facts”: The Physics Behind a Hockey Stick

Olivia Abren - Is it Clean? : Which Brand of Cleaning Agent is the Most Effective? 

Mackayla Creighton - Lactose vs Lactase: The Effects of Lactase On Lactose 

Visual Presentation Awards: 

3rd Place: Madeline Neary 

2nd Place: Elizabeth Castro 

1st Place: Benjamin Davis 



