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Serve - Service Learning & Tracking

Bishop Feehan Campus Ministry

Graduation Service Information

“Let charity be our badge of honor.”
Catherine McAuley, Foundress of the Sisters of Mercy
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Service Hour Requirement FAQs

Students are expected to complete 50 hours of service over the course of their first three years at Bishop Feehan, broken down this way:

Freshman Year: 10 hours by June 1st

Sophomore Year: Additional 15 hours (total of 25 hours) by June 1st

Junior Year: Additional 25 hours (total of 50 hours) by June 1st

Senior Year: No additional service will be required but students should continue their habit of service and may continue to track service hours in Mobileserve

Of the 50 hours served, 25 hours must be Works of Mercy:

  • Feeding the Hungry/Giving Drink to the Thirsty
  • Sheltering the Homeless
  • Visiting the Sick or Imprisoned
  • Burying the Dead
  • Giving Alms to the Poor
  • Care for the Environment
  • Instruct the Ignorant 

The remaining 25 hours can be either Works of Mercy, or Service to Community (i.e. camp counselor, Feehan Admissions events, coaching, dance or karate lessons, tutoring, etc.)

Completed service must be:

  • Imported to the Mobileserve service tracking system (app on iPad or phone)
  • Verified by a (non-parent) service site supervisor by signature in the app or email confirmation
  • Approved by Campus Ministry as acceptable service

Service progress will be reported in the following manor for the 2024-2025 School year:

Seniors will have a “Service” class on their report card for all four quarters

“P” will indicate student has completed at least 50 service hours, 25 of which are Works of Mercy

“I” will indicate that the student is short of the 50 hour goal, which will leave them ineligible for Honor Roll

Freshmen-Juniors will have a “Service” class on their Q4 report cards

“P” will indicate student has completed their yearly service goals:

Freshmen-10 hours

Sophomores- 25 hours

Juniors-50 hours, at least 25 of which are Works of Mercy

“I” will indicate that the student is short of the yearly goal, which will leave them ineligible for Honor Roll

  • Service opportunities are posted regularly in the Campus Ministry Google Classroom
  • For members of the Class of 2025, 2026, or 2027, join by using the code: m563e4k
  • For members of the Class of 2028, join by using the code: a6b7djt
  • Opportunities are also posted through the Mobileserve app
  • For ideas about where to serve, check out the organizations in our Works of Mercy Service Guide
  • is a great resource for opportunities

Service is integral to being a disciple of Jesus Christ and is an expression of Mercy, Feehan’s charism. We are not simply invited to serve others; to be a disciple, we must serve. It is through acts of service that we recognize the needs of another, become self-aware of our most vulnerable members of society, and ultimately walk with another in solidarity.

Within the Roman Catholic tradition, service is expressed pre-eminently through the Corporal Works of Mercy: feeding the hungry, sheltering the homeless, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and imprisoned, and burying the dead, giving alms to the poor and caring for God’s creation. 

We include a Graduation Service Requirement in order to build a lifelong habit of service.

Throughout their Theology coursework, each student learns that as disciples of Christ we are called to love one another and to find Christ in all we encounter.  The practical application of the years of coursework is service.  Through service a student not only learns about the needs of others but also learns about themselves;  who they are and hope to become.  As a graduate of Bishop Feehan, students are poised to “go and serve.”  They are equipped with the knowledge that we are part of larger communities and need to respond to the needs of those communities.

This document is designed as a comprehensive overview of the Graduation Service Requirements for our students.  We empower our students to be responsible for their own service learning.

Reminders of the Service Goals will be included:

  • During Freshman Academy
  • During all class retreats
  • In the Advent and Lenten Campus Ministry newsletters to families
  • In all theology classes
  • On the Campus Ministry Google Classroom
  • In the Mobileserve app
  • A family email communication from the Principal’s office